Saturday, January 10, 2009

What a lazy Saturday

OK, so I have to finish the damn restroom today and I really don't feel like doing anything.  I just want to spend the last two days of my vacation sitting around in my bathrobe and comptemplating life.  I went to work yesterday for just a few hours.  I think I might have gotten just as much, if not, more done had I just stayed at home.  So not worth the drive, the gas and the time I invested in going.  I did, however, get to Home Depot to buy a few more things that I need to finish up that pesky restroom project that I started but have not finised.  I think I will finish it today now that I have the tools that I need.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hiking with Epi

Epi and I went on a hike yesterday......boy are we out of shape. He insists that round is a shape, but, yes, we are out of shape.

We both brought our trusty cameras and decided to take a few photos along the way. Some were good, some were ok and some were awful.
Here are some that I really like.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Is it really 11:40 a.m. on Sunday, January 4, 2009 already?

So here I sit doing ever so little and not quite able to figure out what I should do today. Aside from absolutely nothing, I am a bit perplexed as to what to do. I have a lot of ideas, but they all involve spending money or driving and neither of those are on my immediate list of things to do. So I figured I would start off with a blog post and then move on from there.

Perspective is a mother effer! I think I need to get me some and move on this year. Seriously, what the heck am I waiting for? I need to make things happen and not just let things happen to me.

So here I go.....I am on the move and getting ready to make things happen.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

It's been a long time since I've posted. A long time indeed.

I am really looking forward to a new year. 2008 is like so two days ago.

This new year is my year. It's officially the year of Frank.

I have a lot of things that I want to do. One of the first things I need to do is start writing again. Once upon a time I used to write, a lot. Now I spend a lot of time reading online and far too little time writing. I also want to really work on my photography. Not because I think I am great at it or anything, more because I want to start a pictorial history of the things I see and experience every day. And NO, not because I think my life is horribly interesting, but just to help me reflect and recollect the greatness that I see around me on a daily basis. My goal is a post per day and hopefully a picture per day. Now keep in mind, that is just a goal....and one of many at that. Another goal I have is to lose some of this weight that has snuck up on me. So 2009 is my year and I hope to make it a great freaking year. No guarantees, but I sure as heck am hopeful.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Epi's Wedding

Epi's wedding was great. I am really proud of Veronica and him for getting through it. It all turned out well and it was one of the better weddings I have attended.

Frank, Edwin, Epi, Veronica

Dan and Irene

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Today's pictures

Hawaii - 2005

20 Year Class Reunion

Twenty years pass us by a lot faster than most of us would like to admit.

I still cannot get over the fact that I am going to be 38 years old....soon! I can still recall playing with Star Wars figures with Sammy G. and throwing wet toilet paper on Richard V.'s garage door. There was also the time that Alex Ch. and I rode our bikes to the Citadel......before it was the Citadel.

Ok, so that was a long time ago and my elementary days are far behind me. Except that every day of my life I report to an elementary school and work with children, so it's like I never really left. Hmmmmm.....but is has been a lifetime.

You know this whole reunion thing has made me wax a bit nostalgic. It doesn't help that I ran into Diana S. from Stevenson Junior High School last week. She moved to North Carolina but does consulting work here in Los Angeles. It was a true act of God that I even ran into her....more so that we recognized each other after 23 years. I also ran into Richard V. at LAX when I was dropping my father off at the airport. That was a true coincidence. I had not seen Richard since Lorena Street School and we were great friends. We have since grown up and moved on.

The amazing thing about those two encounters is that these people were truly an important part of my life in many ways. They are a reconnection to my past; an indelible link to my childhood. When I think back on my life I realize that I am truly blessed. I am truly fortunate. I am truly lucky. Life was never easy, but it was always fun. Nothing was ever handed to me, but it was fun taking what I could and running with it every step. Sure I had teachers who believed in me....I also had teachers who were a$$hole$. Well actually, just one. I am sure that to this day Mr. Mitchell (if he is still alive) remembers that an 8th grader was smarter than he. He took great joy in having me believe that I would fail in life. The only problem was this.....I told him that HE was the failure and that he should not live vicariously through his students. After that he stopped with his snide remarks and I earned that A in his Geometry class. Maybe to spite him....maybe to prove to him that I could do it. Maybe I knew all along that I could not and would not fail.

Then there's Ms. Hanson. Oh Ms. Hanson. Words can never say. So I will leave it at that.

At any rate....the Roosevelt High School Class of 1988 - 20 Year Reunion is underway.

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Quiet Cannon

Quiet Freaking Cannon; the name itself implies an oxymoron. Just like the kids from Roosevelt. We were not supposed to succeed, but we did. We did and we continue to do so. We are everywhere and we are doing it all. Outsiders would have everyone believe that we are all gangbangers, drug dealers and welfare recipients. Sure we are some of that. But that is not all we are. You can find gangbangers, drug dealers and welfare recipients all over the country, that goes without say. We are also productive citizens of the community, the city, the United States and the world. We had it tough, but we have endured and we continue to do so.

I look forward to getting together with old friends, old acquaintances and old classmates. We're not really old....we're just getting better.